Threesomes are not a hallmark of the bisexual lifestyle - they are merely an option, just as they are for any other sexual being. In no particular order, here are a few of the most tiresome lies society really needs to stop telling about bisexual people. So here we are in our supposedly enlightened era, and yet, biphobia persists. Being intimate with someone of the same sex doesn't mean you're gay, just like being intimate with someone of the opposite sex doesn't mean you're straight - it just means you fall somewhere in the beautiful, fluid spectrum of sexuality. Unfortunately, the binary thinking of those who deny bisexuality's existence ultimately oppresses everyone by perpetuating unflinching standards of identity, whether they be heteronormative or homonormative. From people asking me if I was 'full-blown gay yet' to others questioning my motivations, I've probably heard it all. Despite all of the gains the LGBTQ+ community has made, bisexuals are still looked upon with confusion - or outright scorn - by gays, lesbians, and straight people alike. As a proud bisexual man, for years I've had to navigate the complicated gray area that my identity occupies on the sexuality spectrum.